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Gyanmanjari Vidyapith takes the initiative for the students future career, who belongs to group for JEE exam classes are conducted & for group NEET Exam classes are conducted.
We are recruited highly expertise faculty with 15-20 years of experience in the national level exam.
We want to create full fledge platform for our students who takes the admission in the science.
We just take all the challenges, future possibilities of education, admission in the high standard & very well known colleges etc.
So its our responsibility to fulfill the
A DREAM of every student through:
We are at the esteem level to give the 11th &12th science result in the all over the Gujarat.
Now, from the last two years in the AIEEE we did it the victory in the year 2012.
Our 58 students are selected in the well recognized colleges in India & one of them DOSHI CHINTAN
Who scored at the top level in all over the India.
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